ngrok - Put localhost on the internet
Hi all,
Today i wanna introduce ngrok. ngrok is the fastest way to put your app on the internet. With ngrok, we can test and debug our api without deploying to any kind of environment.
It is very important tool that gives you the power to simulate your backend services with zero deployment time.
Installation command is also very clear and basic, lets have a quick look
1- Install ngrok via Homebrew
$brew install ngrok/ngrok/ngrok
2- Run your api in local
Starting api in {app-port}
3- Start a tunnel
$ ngrok {protocol} {app-port}
And here it is ! it will be generate a url which is connected to your app on your localhost.
If you send a request to generated url, you are going to handle and catch request on your localhost.
You can also have more detail in official site. Enjoy !